FortiOS Basic Configuration Tips and Tricks (Commands) 2 – 51 Security

FortiOS Basic Configuration Tips and Tricks (Commands) 2 – 51 Security

FortiGate firewall always surprise me with his rich embedded features, prices and performance. FortiOS is a security-hardened, purpose-built operating system that is the software foundation of FortiGate products. With this one unified intuitive OS, we can control all the security and networking capabilities across all of your Fortigate products.

1. Debugging and Diagnostic your system

diag debug enable
diag debug console timestamp enable
diag sniffer packet wan 'host' 1
diag debug disable
diag debug reset

diag debug cli cmd will show you the  “cli commands” for actions that you take from the gui.

diag debug enable
diag debug cli 8 

diag sys flash list command will show you the partition image files in your flash.

FWF60D # diag sys flash list 
Partition  Image                                     TotalSize(KB)  Used(KB)  Use%  Active
1          FWF60D-5.06-FW-build1486-170816                  253871     48877   19%  No    
2          FWF60D-6.00-FW-build0163-180725                  253871     53598   21%  Yes   
3          ETDB-1.00000                                    3368360     81632    2%  No    
Image build at Jul 25 2018 19:06:34 for b0163

diag sys tcpsock command will show you the active opening ports in your system.

FWF60D # diag sys tcpsock>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x8 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x102 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x2 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x8 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x2 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x1 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x1 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x1 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x2 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x8 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x102 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0>>state=listen err=0 sockflag=0x2 rma=0 wma=0 fma=0 tma=0

1.1 Debug VPN
Enable Debugging

FWF60D #diag debug enable
FWF60D #diag debug console timestamp enable 
FWF60D #diag vpn ike log-filter dst-addr4 
FWF60D #diag debug application ike -1 
FWF60D # tree diag vpn ike gateway
-- gateway -- list -- name -- <name>  (0)
           |- clear -- name -- <name>  (0)
           +- flush -- name -- <name>  (0)

Disable Debugging

FWF60D #diag debug disable
FWF60D #diag debug console timestamp disable
FWF60D #diag debug application ike 0

Show active tunnel and gateway list

FWF60D #diag vpn tunnel list
FWF60D #diag vpn gw list

2. Get system configuraiton

get system arp          // ARP Table
get system dns // DNS Configuration
get system dhcp server  // DHCP server configuration

FGT30D # get system setting
opmode              : nat
firewall-session-dirty: check-all
bfd                 : disable
utf8-spam-tagging   : enable
wccp-cache-engine   : disable
vpn-stats-log       :
vpn-stats-period    : 0
v4-ecmp-mode        : source-ip-based
asymroute           : disable
ses-denied-traffic  : disable
strict-src-check    : disable
asymroute6          : disable
per-ip-bandwidth    : disable
sip-helper          : enable
sip-nat-trace       : enable
status              : enable
sip-tcp-port        : 5060
sip-udp-port        : 5060
sccp-port           : 2000
multicast-forward   : enable
multicast-ttl-notchange: disable
allow-subnet-overlap: disable
deny-tcp-with-icmp  : disable
ecmp-max-paths      : 10
discovered-device-timeout: 28
email-portal-check-dns: enable 

show system interface wan1 | grep -A2 ip // Show WAN and interface information.
get system info admin status // Show logged in users
get system status // Show system hardware/software update versions
get hardware status // Detailed hardware model information
get system performance status   // Check System Uptime

FGT30D3X12001671 $ get system performance status 
CPU states: 0% user 0% system 0% nice 100% idle
CPU0 states: 0% user 0% system 0% nice 100% idle
Memory states: 21% used
Average network usage: 3 kbps in 1 minute, 0 kbps in 10 minutes, 0 kbps in 30 minutes
Average sessions: 14 sessions in 1 minute, 11 sessions in 10 minutes, 11 sessions in 30 minutes
Average session setup rate: 0 sessions per second in last 1 minute, 0 sessions per second in last 10 minutes, 0 sessions per second in last 30 minutes
Virus caught: 0 total in 1 minute
IPS attacks blocked: 0 total in 1 minute
Uptime: 106 days,  0 hours,  8 minutes

get system performance top
show system interface 
diagnose hardware deviceinfo nic // Interface Statistics/Settings
diagnose hardware sysinfo memory
diag debug crashlog read
diag hardware sysinfo shm // Device should be in 0, if (>0) then conservemode
get system global | grep -i timer // Show tcp and udp timers for halfopen and idle
get system session-ttl // System default tcp-idle session timeout
get hardware nic
get system interface physical
diagnose ip address list

diagnose ip arp list
diagnose sys session list
diagnose sys session clear
diagnose sys kill 9 <id>

3. Change Bult-in Internal Switch to Interface mode

In Switch mode, all the internal interfaces are part of the same subnet and treated as a single interface, called either lan or internal by default, depending on the FortiGate model. Switch mode is used when the network layout is basic, with most users being on the same subnet.

In Interface mode, the physical interfaces of the FortiGate unit are handled individually, with each interface having its own IP address. Interfaces can also be combined by configuring them as part of either hardware or software switches, which allow multiple interfaces to be treated as a single interface.

a. Command to change the FortiGate to switch mode:
 config system global
         set internal-switch-mode switch
b. Command to change the FortiGate to interface mode:
 config system global
         set internal-switch-mode interface

After changed internal switch from switch mode to interface mode, you will be able to move some interface out of Internal switch and they will become routing interfaces for you to do configuration.

Here is a user case. HA implementation will need two routing ports. If you change your switch to interface mode, you will be able to use two LAN ports for HA purpose.

Note: How to Change Switch Mode to Interface Mode in Fortigate FortiOS 5

4. Daily System Scheduled Reboot

config system global
set daily-restart enable
set restart-time 05:06

Note: For weekly reboot, you will need expect command with a script.

5. Some HA Commands

Manual Failover HA

diagnose sys ha reset-uptime

Mange Cluster Member from Console

Test-1 # get system ha status 
Model: FortiGate-60D
Mode: a-p
Group: 0
Debug: 0
ses_pickup: disable
Master:250 Test-1    FGT60D4614041798 1
Slave : 50 Test-2    FGT60D4Q15005710 0
number of vcluster: 1
vcluster 1: work
Master:0 FGT60D4614041798
Slave :1 FGT60D4Q15005710

Test-1 # execute ha manage 0
Test-2 $ 

Test-2 $ execute reboot 
This operation will reboot the system !
Do you want to continue? (y/n)y

6. One to One Inbound NAT Configuration

WAN IP Address :
LAN IP Address:
Rule: Allow Any External IP Address to access LAN Server 1921.68.2.200 on SMB (TCP 445 – File Sharing Port), but not expose LAN IP Address.

6.1 Create VIP address

6.2 Create firewall Rule
Note: No NAT configuration. NAT will be taken care by VIP configuration in step 6.1
Destination will be External IP Address.

6. Tree command

Tree command can be used to display the command tree for a configuration section.

FWF60D # tree execute ping-option
-- ping-options -- data-size -- <integer>  (0)
                |- df-bit -- <string>  (0)
                |- pattern -- <string>  (0)
                |- repeat-count -- <string>  (0)
                |- source -- <string>  (0)
                |- interface -- <string>  (0)
                |- timeout -- <integer>  (0)
                |- adaptive-ping -- <string>  (0)
                |- interval -- <integer>  (0)
                |- tos -- <string>  (0)
                |- ttl -- <integer>  (0)
                |- validate-reply -- <string>  (0)
                |- view-settings 
                +- reset 

FWF60D # tree system ddns
-- [ddns] --*ddnsid  (0,4294967295)
          |- ddns-server 
          |- ddns-server-ip 
          |- ddns-zone  (65)
          |- ddns-ttl  (60,86400)
          |- ddns-auth 
          |- ddns-keyname  (65)
          |- ddns-key 
          |- ddns-domain  (65)
          |- ddns-username  (65)
          |- ddns-sn  (65)
          |- ddns-password 
          |- use-public-ip 
          |- update-interval  (60,2592000)
          |- clear-text 
          |- ssl-certificate  (36)
          |- bound-ip 
          +- [monitor-interface] --*interface-name  (65)
FWF60D #  

7. Disable Local Logs

If you donot want to log your local logs,  here is a way to disable it. But you may lose some view of local broadcasting noise.

FWF60D # config log memory filter
FWF60D (filter) # set local-traffic disable
FWF60D (filter) # end
FWF60D #  

8. Configuration Example

Fortigate Device Information:
Default Gateway to ISP:

config system global
# Set the http admin port to 80/tcp
set admin-port 80
# Set the https admin port to 443/tcp
set admin-sport 443
# Set the ssh admin port to 22/tcp
set admin-ssh-port 22
# Set the telnet admin port to 23/tcp
set admin-telnet-port 23
# Set the hostname
set hostname “FW-Office-1”
# Set the ntp server to “” and enable it
set ntpserver “”
set ntpsync enable
# Set to 43200 seconds the tcp-halfclose timer
set tcp-halfclose-timer 43200
# Set the telnet 23/tcp port timeout to 43200 seconds.
config system session-ttl
set default 43200
config port
edit 23
set timeout 43200
# Set the IP address and administrative access options (ping https http) for lan interface.
config system interface
edit “lan”
set ip
set allowaccess ping https http
set type physical
# Set the IP address and administrative access options (ping https) for wan interface.
# Set “gateway Detect” option enable and set the “Ping Server” destination.
# Set the interface speed to 10 Mb/s Half Duplex, this is useful for some connections like radio bridge.
edit “wan1″
set ip
set allowaccess ping https
set gwdetect enable
set detectserver “″
set type physical
set speed 10half
# Set DNS Servers and DNS options
config system dns
set primary
set secondary
set domain ”
set autosvr disable
set dns-cache-limit 5000
set cache-notfound-responses disable
# Set a firewall policy to enable traffic from lan TO WAN using NAT
# Set a protection profile (a default one) called “scan”
config firewall policy
edit 1
set srcintf “lan”
set dstintf “wan″
set srcaddr “all”
set dstaddr “all”
set action accept
set schedule “always”
set service “ANY”
set profile-status enable
set profile “scan”
set nat enable
# Set a default gateway on the WAN interface
config router static
edit 1
set device “wan″
set gateway

9. Proper shut down of FortiGate unit

To limit unnecessary logdisk or flash failure, Fortinet recommends that you always use the shutdown (or restart) commands when shutting down or rebooting any FortiGate unit.

Never shut off a FortiGate unit by removing power from the unit.

To power off a FortiGate unit correctly

  1. Issue the Shutdown Command.

    From the web-based manager, go to SystemMaintenanceShutDown, Select Shut Down and click on Apply.

    From the CLI, enter execute shutdown

  2. Disconnect the power supply.

10. BGP

config router bgp

get router info bgp summary

get router info bgp neighbors <neighbor IP> advertised-routes

get router info bgp neighbors <neighbor IP> received-routes

get router info bgp neighbors <neighbor IP> routes

get router info routing-table bgp

11. Restrick Access to Web and SSL VPN 

1. For FortiGate Web Portal 

Command line only : local-in-policy

sh full firewall local-in-policy 
config firewall local-in-policy
    edit 1
        set uuid d7f13336-22a0-51ef-ee79-444132007804
        set intf "port1"
        set srcaddr "Allowed_Countries"
        set srcaddr-negate enable
        set dstaddr "wan-"
        set internet-service-src disable
        set dstaddr-negate disable
        set action deny
        set service "ALL"
        set service-negate disable
        set schedule "always"
        set status enable
        set comments ''


If a local-in-policy is not functioning correctly and traffic that should be blocked is being allowed through, the issue may be that the implicit deny local-in-policy has not been created. Unlike IPv4 policies, there is no default implicit deny policy. The implicit deny policy should be placed at the bottom of the list of local-in-policies. Local-in-policies are created for each interface, but if you want to create a general implicit deny rule for all interfaces for a specific service, source, address, or destination address, use the any interface.

View default Local In Policy from Web GUI:

2. For SSL VPN

  • Using Geograph Limitation 
  • Extend Lock time from 60 seconds to 600 seconds when user failed log in using the combination of username and password. 

The default login-attempt-limit for SSL VPN users is 2 and the login-block-time is 60 seconds.
This indicates if user enters incorrect username/password combinations continuously twice, the firewall will block attempts and prompt with message as ‘Too many bad attempts. Please try again in few minutes’.

FGT # config vpn ssl settings
FGT (settings) # show
config vpn ssl settings
    set banned-cipher SHA1 SHA256 SHA384
    set servercert “Fortinet_Factory”
    set tunnel-ip-pools “SSLVPN_TUNNEL_ADDR1”
    set port 4443
    set source-interface “port1”
    set source-address “all”
    set source-address6 “all”
    set default-portal “tunnel-access”
    config authentication-rule
        edit 2
            set groups “Remote Users”
            set portal “tunnel-access”
FGT (settings) # sh full
config vpn ssl settings
    set status enable
    set reqclientcert disable
    set ssl-max-proto-ver tls1-3
    set ssl-min-proto-ver tls1-2
    set banned-cipher SHA1 SHA256 SHA384
    set ciphersuite TLS-AES-128-GCM-SHA256 TLS-AES-256-GCM-SHA384 TLS-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256
    set ssl-insert-empty-fragment enable
    set https-redirect disable
    set x-content-type-options enable
    set ssl-client-renegotiation disable
    set force-two-factor-auth disable
    set servercert “Fortinet_Factory”
    set algorithm high
    set idle-timeout 300
    set auth-timeout 28800
    set login-attempt-limit 2
    set login-block-time 600
    set login-timeout 30
    set tunnel-ip-pools “SSLVPN_TUNNEL_ADDR1”
    set dns-suffix ”

Changed default login-block-time from 60 to 600 (seconds)


The above config will help in preventing brute force attacks through SSL VPN.


Please note that it is not recommended to keep https,http,telnet or ssh enable on wan interface but if you have to enable it please set trusted hosts under system – administrators — edit ‘admin’ — enable trusted hosts to allow access from certain IP addresses.

# config system admin

    edit <administrator-name>

        set trustedhost1 <IP>

        set trustedhost2 <IP>


OR can configure local-in-policy to allow access from certain countries.

to automatic block IP doing flood attacks, can configure DOS policy.

For sslvpn interface, you can do same first limit access to certain countries

second, reset the block time and login attempts as your requirement,try%20again%20in%20few%20minutes’.

also, remove the web portal login page to prevent unauthorized attempts

12. Debug / Test AlertEmail

FGT # get system email-server

type                : custom

server              :

port                : 465

source-ip           :

source-ip6          : ::

authenticate        : disable

validate-server     : disable

security            : smtps

ssl-min-proto-version: default

interface-select-method: auto

FGT # di de app alertmail -1

Debug messages will be on for 30 minutes.

FGT # di de enable

FGT # diagnose log alertmail test

FGT # Arrived msg(type 4, 91 bytes):Alert Mail Test

Message body (log level = 1):

1st Line

2nd Line

(2024-08-06 14:36:37)

Cannot use when forticare support is invalid.


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