Google vs. Chat GPT: Leveraging automation

Google vs. Chat GPT: Leveraging automation

What does content meeting E-E-A-T criteria’s look like?

Experience – This should be based on the author of the piece. Demonstrate this by showing real-life experience on the subject matter along with proof of this. Google will also assess this based on the opinions and recommendations of other established sources on the subject. Doing this not only helps with the performance of your content but will help towards future proofing your content.

Expertise – This assesses the level of knowledge an author or website has in the subject area they are discussing. The way to demonstrate this is through credentials, qualifications or professional experience.

Authority – This element refers to the authority an author or website has on this subject matter. This is demonstrated through quality backlinks, particularly from websites that have also demonstrated these elements.

Trustworthiness – This is based on the quality of content being provided, is it reliable, factual etc. This can be demonstrated by providing original sources of information, ensuring that your content is factual and avoiding any topics or content elements that could be misleading. 

Why should we, as content creators, care about E-E-A-T?

It’s important to understand why there is a need for content to satisfy high levels of E-E-A-T. 

E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness) is the framework used by Google to understand your content offering and the authenticity of it. Whilst there are many factors that can contribute to Google’s E-E-A-T assessment of content and a website, using Google’s guidelines can dramatically help both your content’s overall performance as well as the value that you’re providing to your users. 

It’s important to note that the above are guidelines, and there are no set ways to demonstrate all of the above. Each element needs to be carefully considered on a case by case basis. Understanding how E-E-A-T can help your website and how to adapt your approach based on your users needs is essential. 

Chat GPT vs Google – Similarities and differences

What are the differences?

Google is a search engine offering a range of content types such as video, image, and copy. This content has been created by a variety of online publications and brands. Google’s mission is to provide reliable information and resources from trusted, knowledgeable authors and sources. 

Chat GPT, however, is an AI model that creates and replicates human-like text. It’s important to note that this text is created using the resources that are currently readily available, created by the previously mentioned experts and sources. 

Due to this, there will be many questions or requests that Chat GPT cannot provide answers to, and due to its capabilities, rather than attempting to find the most relevant and up to date answer to your query (like Google) it will likely just request that you ask your query again. 

What are the similarities?

Although the final output is very different, both Google and Chat GPT gather data which is then presented to the user. 

With both offerings having the ability to process and to a certain extent evaluate human language, they’re equally able to identify which information is relevant based on the user’s request. 

Finally, and potentially the most important similarity – both are continuously developing and improving their offering to ensure the user gets the best experience. 

How can we use Chat GPT or other AI tools to support E-E-A-T content?

With the concept of E-E-A-T now more important than ever, we need to understand how we can develop and coincide as content creators with the rise in conversational AI. If done properly, the two can interact and complement each other resulting in an improved user experience rather than an automated, non-human one. 

As content creators we often have to mine through Google’s current search results to find what is performing well and why. There is the potential for this process to be automated using Chat GPT. For example, rather than spending what could be hours scrolling through search results, we asked Chat GPT ‘Which articles are providing the best overview or E-E-A-T?’. 

Chat GPT was able to give us some great recommendations of useful articles, allowing us to do further search on the subject and understand the opinions and offering of trusted voices on the subject area. 

What we did note, however, was that Chat GPT’s answers only included E-A-T, missing Google’s most recent addition of the additional ‘E’. This is because Chat GPT data is limited to that created before 2021. Meaning, for subjects like this, some responses are outdated with the latest E-E-A-T update happening in December 2022. We do, however, expect this to change soon with the amount of use and attention the tool has received. 

10 ways content creators can use Chat GPT when creating content

Idea generation

Using Chat GPT, content creators can input a range of topics and generate a list of ideas for their next piece of content. Doing this is a great way to elevate your ideation stage of writing. 

Content writing prompts

Every content creator, at some point in their career, has experienced writer’s block. Using chat GPT can be a great way to overcome this. Asking for a list of prompts around a subject can be a great way to get the creative juices flowing again, especially when those prompts are subject-specific. 

Alternative phrasing support

Often when creating content, writers find that repetition can be difficult to avoid. Whilst content for users should be written naturally, using Chat GPT can be a great way to find alternative phrasing for a section of an article so that it better flows with the overall piece. 

Content research

With any content creation, we often have to start with the basics – research. Using Chat GPT is a great way to improve the time spent on this process. While there will still be the need for further reading and investigation, using AI is a great way to start this process. Chat GPT can provide a list of relevant resources and information on a specified topic. 

Title ideas

Sometimes the hardest thing about writing an article can be choosing a title that will initially catch the user’s attention. By inputting a topic or a list of keywords on that topic, Chat GPT can propose a range of titles that are attention grabbing as well as relevant to the piece you are writing. 

Keyword research

When promoted, Chat GPT can be used to source a list of relevant keywords on your chosen topic. You can even specify the ‘type’ of keywords you’re searching for. An example being ‘high search volume, low difficult keywords around content strategy’. Although, as noted by the tool, you should then use these to go and do further keyword research, using the suggestions as initial prompts. 

Asset inspiration

When creating content, we often want to provide supporting infographics. Using Chat GPT, you can easily identify other assets/ resources on the same topic and use this to both do further research and inspire your own creations. 

Social media ideation

Using Chat GPT can be a great way to ideate social media posts. Using the tool you can request things like ‘10 Social media post ideas for an article titled “E-E-A-T vs. Chat GPT – How to leverage automation without sacrificing human experience”.

Dialog ideation for video content

Chat GPT can be used for more than just written copy. When creating video or audio content, Chat GPT can also be used for dialog ideation. 

Competitor research

Competitor research is a huge party of content strategy. Being able to collect competitor data effectively is really important. Chat GPT can be used to do just that. Searching for things like ‘5 top performing articles around Content creation strategy’ will give you a list of popular articles that can be used for further investigation enabling you to measure the topic landscape. 

In conclusion

Content creators should be using Chat GPT or other AI tools to enhance their content, not create it.  Whilst time can be saved and processes can be improved, Chat GPT will not, on its own, create content that satisfies Google’s requirements.

The developing world of AI is exciting and holds so much opportunity for us to improve processes, ways of working and our offering as content creators. However, removing the human experience in content, although faster, will reduce the quality we’re offering to users. Having them coexist and work to complement each other can and will allow us to elevate what we can offer users and how we’re able to do it. 

It’s safe to say, here at Builtvisible, we’ll be embracing the new ways of conversational AI, but our team of digital copywriters will still first and foremost, be producing natural organic content, with a user-first mindset.

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